Our personal experience is that losing one or more limbs can be very traumatising and is a life-long condition that will require ongoing intervention from prosthetic centres, hospitals and your General Practitioner, and possibly other ongoing therapies. An amputation or other traumatic injuries, as we know only too well will have a major impact on your social. domestic and employment activities for the rest of your life and this is why it is essential that you seek legal advice to see if you may be entitled to some form of compensation or care package that can give you the best level of care and treatments for the rest of your life.

For example, our legal panel firms have helped people who have suffered traumatic injuries at work or following car accidents or due to medical negligence to include amputation injuries, to obtain private rehabilitation treatment not available on the NHS, to pay for as part of the personal injury claim the costs of expensive prosthetics, adaptations to their homes, their cars, funded re-housing to suitable bungalow accommodation, to obtain regular interim payments from the fault party’s insurers to assist with financial commitments and recovered compensation in excess of £2m to ensure that their client’s are financially secure for the rest of their lives following an accident that was not their fault.

We only recommend specialist solicitors that are extremely experienced in this field, be it personal injury claims or medical negligence claims and who can provide an effortless service that will reassure you that the process is moving in the right direction. We are happy for each and every amputee to use a solicitor of their choice, but there are many factors that you need to consider when instructing a firm of solicitor to take on such a complex and intricate case.

Please be aware that all solicitors will want to pursue your claim and they will tell you that they can give you a good service and get you what you need, but a more experienced specialist catastrophic injury solicitor within this field will be able to happily talk to you about their previous work and they should be able to put you in touch with previous clients that are happy to talk about the success of their claim. Amputation and other traumatic injuries are classed as Catastrophic Injury, NOT Slip, Trip or Fall, in our experience please stay away from the every day whiplash injury accident solicitors.

We currently recommend Law firms that can be found on our legal panel.

Contact Us

Whatever has been the cause of your traumatic injury e.g. a car accident, an accident at work or due to medical negligence developing an infection resulting in your amputation, whether you have a valid claim for compensation, need legal representation on any issue or simply want some initial information and advice, the ATSGUK Legal Panel can help you. They generally operate claims on a ‘No Win No Fee’ basis so you don’t pay anything if the claim fails.

Please complete the form below to send us your legal advice request and one of our legal panel firms will contact you to discuss your enquiry.

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